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‘Riviera Assist’ supports owners at Rottnest Island over the festive season

Edition 7 - 2019

‘Riviera Assist’ supports owners at Rottnest Island over the festive season

The Christmas holiday period will bring together more Riviera owners at Rottnest Island than any other time of year. Approximately 250 Riviera motor yachts will moor at Rottnest over the festive season, enjoying the pristine surrounds and sharing in the unique camardarie that is the Riviera family.

Riviera’s representative in Perth, R Marine Perth will again operate its industry-leading ‘Riviera Assist’ program for the twelfth consecutive year, supporting WA Riviera owners with a technician and a ready supply of spare parts and consumer-able items. This exclusive service is just one of the many benefits of being part of the Riviera and R Marine family. The ‘mother-ship’ for the program this year is a Riviera 53 Enclosed Flybridge and R Marine Perth will moor the yacht at Thompson’s Bay in Rottnest Island.

There is no other service available in western Australia that compares to this program provided by R Marine Perth. Michael Pitman, the Dealer Principal at R Marine Perth is entirely focused on ensuring that every member of the Riviera family enjoying Rottnest Island this Christmas season is well supported and cared for.

The R Marine Perth, ‘Rivera Assist’ program, is a unique customer-care initiative for Riviera owners that has been in operation for 12 consecutive summer seasons.

“We will be based at Rottnest Island and working to ensure that all Riviera owners have a fantastic holiday, safe in the knowledge that we are there to help them should they require any assistance”, Michael stated.

Arriving in Thompson’s Bay on Boxing Day and staying until Sunday evening, the 5th of January, the ‘Riviera Assist’ program will operate with a ‘no call out’ fee service during this peak period and parts and labour are not included in the service. Call out times will be very prompt given the immediacy of the location and the crew will be using the ‘mother ship’s’ high speed 6.5 metre rigid inflatable boat. Typical service issues range from generators, to batteries and sanitation systems.

Josh Hoffman, the senior technician from RMP Service, will oversee the ‘Riviera Assist’ program at Rottnest this year. Expecting around 150 callouts over this busy holiday period, Josh and his team are fully prepared and focused on making sure that all WA Riviera owners fully enjoy Rottnest over the holiday period. Michael Pitman knows only too well how important the R Marine Perth ‘Riviera Assist’ program is to Riviera owners.

Josh Hoffman, the senior technician from R Marine Perth Service (RMP Service) will oversee the ‘Riviera Assist’ program this summer at Rottnest Island.

“Every year our exclusive ‘Riviera Assist’ program is incredibly well received and appreciated. It is all about ensuring peace of mind for our owners while they enjoy a well-deserved break at Rottnest. Too see so many Riviera boats in one place at one time is the most amazing spectacle you will see. Our unique owner care and support programs such as ‘Riviera Assist’; is just another reason why boaters choose to own a Riviera motor yacht”, Michael commented.

Riviera Australia owner Rodney Longhurst congratulated the R Marine Perth team for the exceptional owner care and service they provide.

“The ‘Riviera Assist’ program offered by R Marine Perth is a one-of-a-kind service. With such a large number of Riviera owners out on the water near Rottnest at this time of year, the service is a great benefit to our owners. We want all of our Riviera owners to enjoy a relaxing Christmas season on the water” Mr Longhurst added.

The R Marine Perth ‘Riviera Assist’ call out number is, 1300 669 716, and is available to WA Riviera owners wherever they are located as they are able to receive ‘over the phone’ assistance during the festive period. To register for ‘Riviera Assist’, email the R Marine Perth team at info@rmarineperth.com.au or call 08 9339 8877.

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