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Boating journalist Barry Park says of the 39 Sports Motor Yacht “…it woos you into staying onboard longer — with little compromise…”

Edition 4 - 2019

Boating journalist Barry Park says of the 39 Sports Motor Yacht “…it woos you into staying onboard longer — with little compromise…”


Barry Park from Boatsales has said of the 39 Sports Motor Yacht… “The 39 SMY shows downsizing doesn’t have to mean you will miss out on the trimmings that have earned Riviera the reputation as one of the global luxury motor yacht brands to which to aspire.

In this respect, it woos you into staying onboard longer — with little compromise compared with a larger boat. It also has some clever thinking, particularly the raising cockpit floor that makes on-water maintenance easy, ultimately lowering the cost of ownership. That you get the same level of fit, finish, quality and performance as a $4 million-plus Riviera 72 Sports Motor Yacht for a fraction of the price is almost a bonus”.

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